Monday, August 24, 2009

A change is in the air...

There have been a few changes in the house hold, I am not sure how they will affect things I guess only time will tell.

I went and saw the girls dad on Thursday, he is only home 2 days during the week and they girls miss him on their weekends with him.

I wanted to discuss the options for High School for Talia and a few other things. Together we came to the agreement that we are going to try and put Talia into a Private High School, there are 3 possibilities and we will have to apply to each of them and then go onto a wait list. $55 for each application and if we are successful a down payment, usually equivalent of one term fees to secure a place. I think we are too late but we can apply and cross our fingers. One of the schools you had to apply before year 4 for a year 8 intake....So if and once we get Talia into a school we can put Eloise's name down and not have to worry about the stress of if she can get in.

The other thing is that Eloise is no longer going to go to her dads, she really does not like going and her dad and Sue understand, though a bit hurt. I am sure over time she will go back. Talia on the other hand loves going there and from the end of this month will be spending one week here with us and then the next week at her dads. I am going to miss her like crazy.

Matthew has been going to Private speech once a fortnight for a while now, I have decided to stop, not only will it save us $90 a fortnight but It doesn't seem to be making any difference to his sounds. We are seeing his gov speech therapist in Oct so will see if she notices a difference.

Joel is doing well with his physio, he is finally pulling himself up to stand, with my assistance though he has done it once by himself. His physio wants lots more crawling as he is quite weak in his upper arms and shoulders...

And lastly me, I went and had my hair cut the other day, it was way too long so I told the hairdresser to cut it so it just sits on my shoulders and only just long enough to put up....I had about 25cm cut off. I didn't realise that it was almost to my waist....

I am still struggling with my weight, though I have managed to lose a few kgs over the last few weeks, I need to get back into exercise now that this rotten cold has gone.

Well that's a wrap up. Off to try and tidy the house...

1 comment:

Jen H said...

Hey Elisa, have been checking your blog for an update every now and then .......... how's it going??

Jen H