Sunday, May 10, 2009

Joel's new haircut.....

I got out the hair clippers as Matthew needed a hair only takes a few minutes to run the clippers over and its heaps cheaper than the $25 a hair dresser charges.

Darian was moaning that Joel was looking a little fluffy around the ears and to cut it...I didn't want to lose the curls.

So I took a deep breath and started...

before haircut

Before his hair cut...I didn't think it looked that bad, apart from the runny nose and dirty bib..


clippers at the ready...


Mum what are you doing????


How about a Mohawk mum?

joel hair cut 2

All done....

Now just to get used to it....

1 comment:

Jen H said...

Wow!! I cant decide if he looks older or younger!! I think younger... and even more like Matthew

Jen H