I was on my way to pick Matthew up from Kindy today when the phone rang...It was the girls school letting me know that Eloise had fell over and hurt her right arm, they have an ice pack on it and she is crying. Could I come and pick her up as they didn't want her to walk home. I said no worries, but after I had got Matthew from Kindy.
We arrived at the school at 3pm, Talia was sitting next to Eloise who was really crying...I mean really crying. I asked if she had only started this since she saw me but was told that no she has been crying like this the whole time...
So I gave her a big cuddle and said "All right honey lets take you home" the reply was "aren't you going to take her to the doctor"....ummm no....shell be right. There was a little lump and a bit of bruising...nothing some TLC and Panadol wont fix.
As we got in the car, Talia was insistent that I take Eloise to the doctor as Eloise doesn't normally cry this much when she is hurt..which is true....she's seems to have a high pain tolerance.
So I rang Darian and let him know we were off to Emergency and a long wait.
We got there and lucky for us she was given pain stop and was fast tracked, I really thought she had badly bruised it. We had her weighed and she is now 22kg.
We were called in and the doctor had a look and sent her off for an X-ray...she was very brave as she had to go alone as I had the other 3 kids with me.. while she was in X-ray they moved us to another room, which happened to be the room where they put the plaster casts on....I was explaining to Talia what they do and she asked if Eloise would need one, I said I hope not just as the doctor walked back in and he then said she probably would as it looked suspicious and was waiting for the X-ray...
Eloise walked back in and I could tell she had been crying again...they would have had to move the arm about to get different views of the arm...
The X-ray came back and it was confirmed that yes she had fractured the Ulna, a nice neat fracture. So she was given a small cast and then bandaged...she was so brave
Didn't I feel awful...I was going to take her straight home...
She is to go to the fracture clinic next wed and I think the cast says on for 6 weeks, she is going to miss out on Talia's Pool party and school swimming lessons...
She is right handed and is finding it very difficult, though secretly I know she loves being the centre of attention.
Here are some photos...