Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Chapter Completed

I love moving house, its like a fresh start. New house, new life. I have moved 37 times in 34 years. This has been the hardest so far....5 kids and 2 adults even the removalist said we had a lot of furniture.  We did all the boxes and light stuff and we got the professionals to do all the heavy still took them 5 hours to do the lot. The best money we spent.

We have basically finished moving, all that is left is the fish tank and all the "stuff" that is lying around. The stuff that doesn't get packed in a box, just gets shoved aside when the removalists come. The stuff that takes forever to pack in the car and move....its the mess.

Once that is all gone, hopefully Monday as Darian has the day off we can get to and clean. Though when we moved in here the house was filthy, I mean disgusting.....ewwww. How people can leave a house dirty is beyond me. If anything I over clean because I am scared that I wont get my bond back.

So on Friday the carpets get cleaned and the windows get washed in the old house (this was in out lease agreement) I was moaning about it at first, but now I am glad as I don't have to do it.  Then Monday 27th the keys get handed in and that chapter of our life ends and a new one begins....

Oh and for the record, I don't want to have to move for a VERY long time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH Elisa, that is a ridiculous amount of times to move! You poor things.

I thought 12 times in 11 years was bad but I'll review that now.

I agree about the cleaning thing. I don't know how people do it either.

Hopefully, this will be a long stay for you all and you can settle properly.