Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #6

Over the next few weeks I am going to post 12 of my most favourite things about each of the kids...

Of course in no particular order and I will start with Talia..


1. Her hair, I know she hates it and I empathise with her because I hated my curly hair as a child too. But it is just so beautiful

2. Her compassion and empathy towards others

3. Her optimism

4. Her caring nature towards others

5. Her love of books and reading

6. Her understanding that times and money are tight and the fact that she accepts this without real complaint or resentment . She is not a " I want" kid

7. Her sense of humour, its very dry, she doesn't laugh out loud very often but Its beautiful when she does.

8.Her eyes, they are so blue and soft

9. Her eyelashes, they are so very long, thick and dark

10.  The fact that she "gets" Maths....something  I never did and always struggled with

11. She will get up in the middle of the night if Matthew cries to be with him, and then only tell me in the morning that he was upset.

12. She has a strong inner strength and she will stand up for something she truly believes in,

13. Just because she is who she is, and I hope as she grows into an adult she keeps most of these qualities.

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