8 Things I am Looking Forward To:
- Darian's parents coming to visit in 3 weeks
- Getting my house decluttered - I live in hope!
- Taking Joel to South Africa to meet his family there
- Seeing my kids growing up before my eyes, they are extraordinary
- Finishing a crochet blanket I started for Matthew 4 years ago
- Sitting down and scrapping
- Getting out into the garden
- Growing old and happy with my hubby
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Started to read Twilight again after seeing the movie....trying to decide which is better
2. Watching the one day game between Australia and South Africa then allowing Darian to gloat cause South Africa won
3. Caught up with my blog reading and did a couple of entries
4. Played on face book for way too long
5. read the sat paper for the first time in months
6. did 5 loads of washing, folded and put away
7. Had a bath......me time
8. Watched the biggest loser elimination......not happy Jan
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
- keep my house uncluttered with stuff
- take Darian on a trip to all my favourite places in Australia
- Fly / Drive holiday of New Zealand with Darian
- read more books
- Buy our own house
- stop eating chocolate
- keep up with the house work.....
- Sit down and have a conversation with Matthew and find out what he is thinking...I know this is a few years away but he is improving
8 Shows I Watch:
Well I watch too much and I know it is brain dead stuff but here goes
- The biggest loser....as long as Sam or Cameron don't win
- Criminal Minds
- Dexter - waiting for series 3.....
- Lie to me
- CSI and CSI Miami
- One day cricket.....
- Life on Mars
- The Mentalist
8 People I Tag:
I don't know 8 people in blog world so feel free to consider yourself tagged and just pop a note in the comments .
You've tagged me!!! lol
Pop on over and take a look at my answers.
I agree I dont want sooky sooky Cameron to win, I hope its Sharif or Tiffany
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